Top 5 Scariest Movies You Need To Watch This Halloween!

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Dragon Ball Super Episode 62 – Anime Review

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Hello Aaron here and welcome to another anime review from We Watch Everything.

Overview: Episode 62 continues with Future Trunks powering up in a fit of rage, and attempting to take on the combined forces of Goku Black, and Zamasu. Quickly he finds himself overwhelmed even with increased power, and attempts to just make time for Goku, Vegeta, and Bulma to return back to the past and find a way to defeat Zamasu, and Black. After returning to the past Bulma quickly loses her temper with Beerus, who stomps off saying that the future is none of his concern. Goku rapidly recovers, and the entire cast meet up to discuss how they can defeat Black. Piccolo says there is one way the Mafubu, otherwise known to the English speaking audience as the Evil containment wave from Dragon Ball. So Goku decides that Vegeta will play the distraction, and he will use the Evil containment wave to dispatch of Black, and Zamasu. Goku is off to practice at Roshi’s, and Vegeta is going to train in the Hyper Bolic Time Chamber.

Insight: I would like to start by saying I am a huge Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball Super fan. I feel that Super has been a great continuation, and that the series is going strong. However this episode slowed things down again after reaching so high, with Goku, and Vegeta all but defeated last episode everything was left in Future Trunk’s hands. Even with his strange blue power up, that seemed to mirror super saiyan blue, I knew he would prove no threat to Black or Zamasu, and in fact we instantly saw this. With his steam all but run out he has now become a place holder until Goku, and Vegeta can return.

Now this episode is not without its entertaining parts, just as I was getting bored of all the god talk, and time travel mumbo jumbo they through in some nice comedic lines, and revealed to us the idea of bringing back the Evil Containment Wave. Now this I loved, Super has brought back a lot of stuff from the classic Dragon Ball series, and has embraced itself. Watching Goku train to learn the Evil Containment Wave was hilarious as he kept tossing pore old Turtle into the ocean.

I hope this pays off but the idea of using the Evil Containment Wave to win seems a bit simplistic, but while I have entertained the idea that Beerus may join the battle, I find that this to would be far to easy not to mention lazy writing. No, I expect that the battle will rely on Goku, and Vegeta having to work together as individually they can handle either opponent.

Things I liked: Bringing back the Evil Containment Wave is a fantastic idea, whether it fails or not. The writing, and character building has been on point for a while, and this episode continues that trend.

Things I did not like: The constant defeat of the main heroes is not distasteful as much as it is inconsistent with showing us the power levels of a heroes. In Battle of the Gods Beerus took SSJ3 Goku out like he was nothing, and while SSJ Blue is not instantly as powerful as Beerus it is still god power so why is Future Trunks even relevant in the Fight? It would make more sense if he fought immortal Zamasu (seeing as Zamasu is shown as not even being able to defeat SSJ Goku) while both Goku, and Vegeta attempt to fight Black separately only to be defeated.

Overview and Rating: All in all this episode was fine, it needed to happen, and while I wanted it to end at the beginning I found myself still wanting more about half way through, and for that I will give it a rating of: Meh.


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Drifters Episode 2 – Anime Review

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Drifters Episode 2 – Anime Review

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Hello my name is Aaron, and this is the first in a series of written reviews by the duo of We Watch Everything. I would like to start this off by giving a disclaimer that I have not read the manga leading up to the release of this anime, and will be basing all of my reviews off the knowledge I get strictly from the anime.

Overview: Episode 2 drops us right into a conflict between the Octobrists and the Elves, smelling the battle Toyohisa rushes in headfirst with Nobunaga, and Yoichi close behind. They quickly dispatch with the soldiers saving the two young Elves that saved Toyohisa previously. Nobunaga then declares he shall take over the village. There is a display of power, position by an Octobrist commander who is punishing the Elf village for helping the Drifters. Toyohisa quickly dispatches with the soldiers, and eventually the commander, but he forces the Elves to finish him off. In the world with many doors a strange woman named Easy reveals herself, and it seems the man behind the desk and her have an ongoing conflict.

Insight: The first episode of Drifter started us out with questions, and episode 2  answered some of the questions but also generated more. Upon being introduced to the concept of a Drifter we only see the three Drifters all from various historical periods out of Japan. We soon however learn that they seem to be pulled from any time period in are mundane world as two figures were fighting and one is described as “Roman”.

We also are granted some more knowledge of the world that are protagonist is in, a world dominated by humans but that is cohabited by Elves, Dwarves, and more. As well as learn that there was at some point a war between these races, and the humans came out on top.

In addition to learning some history we also got a glimpse of the man behind the desk, and how he seems to be using the Drifters to correct some wrongs that his opposition, a woman named Easy, has incurred.

Now I would like to add that Easy mentions ENDs which I am guessing are characters that will be an opposing force to the Drifters.

Things I liked: The action in this series is amazing, it does not hide anything. I am not just talking about the blood and gore I am talking about the fact that we see every action, every stroke of the sword. A lot of times in anime during action sequences we get a lot of flashing screens, or characters dissolving into energy, and clashing into one another.

I will probably say this a lot as I continue to watch and review but the art, and animation are great. If you are a fan of Hellsing this is perfect for you.

Things I did not like: There is not much I can complain about in this episode, it hit all of the points it needed to.

Overview and Rating: All in all I am enjoying this series, and the end of each episode keeps me wanting more, if the series can keep the pace up this will be one I buy on DVD, although it is still early. I give Drifters Episode 2 a rating of: GOOD.good


Hello and welcome to the official website of We Watch Everything. We have big, big, plans for the future of this here website and our YouTube channel. This site is going to be used mostly for our written reviews of TV shows (The Flash, Arrow, Ash vs Evil Dead, etc…) Anime (Dragon Ball Super, Drifters, Iron Blooded Orphans, etc…) and movies we don’t have time to film reviews for. Other things will be posted from time to time but expect mostly reviews. If reviews are not your cup o’ tea feel free to check out our YouTube channel where we will be posting discussions and lists about some of our favorite things. We truly appreciate you taking the time out of your day to pay us some mind!
